Thursday, July 31, 2003


what do cobras study in college?
.. .. .. hiss-tory.

what do you give a snake with allergies?
.. .. .. anti-hiss=tamines.

saw fog here in seattle for the first time this morning. yay. exciting. uh huh. whatever jay.
and the blue angels are in town this weekend, overhead right now practicing for their show this weekend. so every few minutes you hear an f/a-18 scream by overhead and since we don't have air conditioning (as is the same with most every building in seattle) we keep the windows open all day in an attempt to induce air flow and cross ventililation throughout the office (which never happens) and its really loud. but it reminds me of home (well more so wright patterson afb) but that may as well be home with fighter jets and airplanes flying low overhead all the time (especially when there is a hurricane coming and they have to move al lthe planes). i think its lunch on the roof today to see them practice. ++

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