Thursday, May 15, 2003

++ MAN, I'M FEELING BLUE. ok, well not blue literally, but kind of sad. maybe not sad, burdened maybe? seriously, i know how i feel, i'm just not so sure i have the words to explain it. i started looking at how much money i should save up for school next year and how much i will/should have to borrow and its a whole lot more than i have. i'm so bummed right now. i went climbing last night and was too bummed to have a good time there and i never let anything bother my time climbing. i'm so bummed i don't even really have anything to write about other than this. i'm not even that excited to go to san francisco next weekend or that it will be a three day weekend. maybe a good hike this weekend will do me some good. get away mentally. ha, maybe i'm mental. yeah, mentally bummed. ++

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