Wednesday, April 07, 2004


++ MY FRIEND SENT me this chat he had with a random person.

cuteguy23030: hi
very straight guy friend: hello
very straight guy friend: who's this?
cuteguy23030: ummm
cuteguy23030: just a cute young columbus male
cuteguy23030: why
very straight guy friend: ok
cuteguy23030: your pic is hot
very straight guy friend: that's nice, I'm straight
very straight guy friend: but thanks for the compliment
cuteguy23030: oh ya
cuteguy23030: wanna chat? BUZZ!!!
very straight guy friend: not really, I'm trying to meet girls
cuteguy23030: you met any yet BUZZ!!!
very straight guy friend: couple
cuteguy23030: what happened
cuteguy23030: were they cute
very straight guy friend: nothing yet
very straight guy friend: we'll see
cuteguy23030: cute or average looking
very straight guy friend: mostly average
cuteguy23030: i make a cute woman in bed
very straight guy friend: that's nice, bye
lol. ridiculous. of all my friends to which that would happen to, this one is the funniest.

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