Tuesday, February 03, 2004


++ IT APPEARS AS though architects cannot do a good job in anyone's eyes. if we design a building which does not meet code, the building inspector won't let us go ahead with the construction. if we design a building which does not fulfill the client's program, they sue us. if we design a building which is not completely weather-proof, the client sues us. if we design a building which is not pleasing to look at, the public complains. if we design a building which is unique and 'wacky', the public complains that the building doesn't fit into the context of the urban fabric and they shart shouting NIMBY. if we design a building which is not environmentally conscious, we are dubbed as wasteful and detrimental to the future of the planet. if we design a building which goes over budget by $1, we are called reckless and without any sense of fiscal responsibility. if we design a building which is realistically impossible to build, but wins a competition, we are termed experimental or or young or up and coming vanguard or rising stars even if we are 60. .. luckily i'm not 60.

..and now the environmental animal hugging group watchers are complaining..
"buildings that we have created to be aesthetically pleasing are slaughtering birds ... but I'm more encouraged than ever that we can come up with a solution that will stop this senseless slaughter of wildlife."

sweet. stripping girls!
and penguins. but these aren't stripping. but you get to hit them. not quite as good. but almost.
Smatt2222 (12:26:10 AM): 523.6!! Woohoo!!
Smatt2222 (12:26:27 AM): And two of the three chicks topless
Smatt2222 (12:26:36 AM): Now time to study
Smatt2222 (12:26:44 AM): Bye Jay
Smatt2222 signed off at 12:26:52 AM.
KathrinH (1:53:31 AM): 588!
KathrinH (1:53:36 AM): and now I go to bed
KathrinH (1:53:38 AM): goodnight
KathrinH signed off at 1:53:52 AM. ++

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