Sunday, February 15, 2004


++ WIN FOR FLYNN - 8 :: thesis ceases tonight - 1

"rouse - even though you were the last to touch theball, you still don't get credit for that goal. i think its an own goal deflection.
mitchell - nice face ball. hesse obvioulsly didn't want it this game.
hesse - we're tired of you padding your stats with the most minutes played. and we're tired of you using your hands, but seeing as you are a better keeper than field player, we'll let you slide the next 5 games and pad your stats again.
stevenson - obviously your haircut did nothing to improve or worsen your playing skills. unlike brent, we like your hair. please keep it.
brent - hey gumby. no fights this game, good. nothing hurt, good. you showed up, good. even drove, good. still smoking cigarettes, bad.
cliff - what happenned out there pele? could of used you this game.
mark - your glaring pasty legs were the reason for the foul which was called on you. and although you are not as good as corrie or megan or allison or cindy or suzie or theresa or jenn or sarah, you still have glaring pasty legs.
scott - your obstruction foul was because the other team couldn't see around over or through your hair. its ok though, we still like your hair as well, unlike brent's first game hair. although if it gets any bigger, you owe me another $40 for an additional spot on the roster.
jay - good job for not yelling again. if you could only play, then you could be as good as mark.
theresa - we decided you and matt cannot be on the field at the same time, because we don't want him hurting you (because you are good.) you can however
hurt matt. no loss there.
suzie - you were the closest to the ball when we scored, wait, when the other team deflected the ball into their own goal. but you don't get credit for it either. we like your shoes though. now if only they actually did make you run faster.
corrie - you're the blonde right? (this question is for everyone else, not me.) not that you foul, because you don't. but when you do. aim for the knees. ask foley, they don't hold so well.
megan - nice shot. next time aim for the goal and not the boards. however, with that being said, it was our only shot. so, nice shot.
cindy - wow, you drove all the way from dayton..from not score, not foul, run around, and play for 10 minutes all with people you don't know, except for me. thanks. thats dedication. .. to me? ha.
allison - scraped knee and winded just for a soccer game. and your wedding is only a few weeks away! hard core i tell ya, hard core.
sarah - wow, you didn't 'forget' your stuff this week! congratulations on your first game. and we didn't even skin you. just wait..first ones are always free.
katie - green tie-dyed socks. who says we aren't cool. we may suck, but we got a girl with tie-dyed socks. thanks for coming out for the game. sorry we suck. thanks for the green tie-tyed socks."

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